Sunday, October 27, 2024

John's Electrical Dream

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John's Electrical Dream

John, a 10-year-old boy with a dream of becoming an electrician, is held back by his fear of heights, getting shocked, and failure. However, he stumbles upon a special program at a local school that teaches kids about electricity and safety. With the guidance of his teacher, Mrs. Baker, John learns about circuits, electricity, and how to protect himself. Despite still being afraid of heights, Mrs. Baker assures John that not all electricians work at high places. After weeks of learning and practicing, John participates in a science fair and wins first prize for his model house with working lights. This victory boosts his confidence and fuels his dream further. Continuing to learn and experiment in his backyard laboratory, John overcomes his fear of shocks and failure. Although still working on his fear of heights, he remains determined. Years later, John graduates high school as an electrician and begins his first day on the job as a trainee. Despite feeling nervous, he embraces the opportunity to learn and make a difference. Through hard work, quick learning, and overcoming challenges, John becomes a successful electrician, living his dream to the fullest. On one particular day, while fixing a light on a ladder, John realizes that he is no longer scared of heights. He smiles, proud of his growth and success. Becoming an electrician has turned John's dream into reality

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Just Only Slightly

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In this fictional comedy, the author paints a vivid picture of the humdrum life of main character, Paul Talkachev, a down-on-his luck guy living in New Jersey who discovers he is telekinetic. He can move and change objects without touching them and this is just the beginning as Paul sets out on a path of discovery and adventure. Landon’s book can be purchased at T16, the publisher’s new book buying website:

“I set out to create a fun, voyeuristic story about Paul’s life with its blunders, adventures, small successes, and friendships,” said Landon, who served in the U.S. Navy and has been a day trader, merchant mariner, locksmith and writer. “This story is a dark comedy banking on nervous energy amply supplied by Paul and the interactions of a man slowly dripping into madness trying to negotiate other people’s feelings and desires.”

A colorful cast of characters surround main character Paul. Lurch and Stephens, wealthy eccentrics, are on an all-out search for other “Exceptionals” with powers to join forces and conquer the world. O’kiki, another quirky “Exceptional,” enters the picture early on, and she becomes Paul’s partner as they attempt to fight crime, pull off a robbery, and find ways to use their power for good.

“P.B.’s story is such a fun and entertaining read,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16 Publishing. “His main character, Paul, will make you laugh and cry all at the same time. Paul is so easy to relate to, and the story is a great escape from the everyday routine into a world of fantasy and mayhem!”

Landon lives in New Jersey and greatly enjoys telling stories about everyday occurrences that put his audience at the scene. His second book in the series is in the works and will be published soon as well.

Tactical 16 Publishing specializes in working with authors in the armed forces, police, fire, and rescue communities. To learn more, click here to watch a short video or go to our Facebook page at Tactical 16 Publishing. Join our email list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. We will even inform you about upcoming releases before they go live! Visit our website at to be on our list.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Trapped in Education: From leadership to running out of the classroom, a teacher's true tale from burnout to recovery

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Trapped in Education:

From leadership to running out of the classroom, a teacher's true tale from burnout to recovery

I qualified as a teacher in 2004, the days of the numeracy and literacy hour. I have 20 successful years in education and have been fortunate to work in around 10 different schools.

However, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, my world turned upside down. Having gone into isolation for two years, I returned to work and suffered chronic stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociation, amnesia and depression. I suffered from losing my short-term memory and was referred to a neurologist, who told me that I had reached chronic burnout and "broke my brain"! In this autobiography, I describe my mental health episode and my recovery: from going into therapy, meeting a medium, having an awakening from spiritual healing and re-framing my brain through hypnotherapy. This is my journey.

I hope this story gives those who are struggling with mental health the strength to overcome their challenges.

Book Contest Image

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Message to the One

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This book is two things. It is a brief memoir, outlining the lessons learned and things observed over the course of a lifetime spent in law enforcement as an African American. It is also a call to action for African American youth based upon the perceived need for bold leadership in our community. The book advocates for a strategic approach when dealing with law enforcement and recognizes that our future lies in the hands of the best, brightest, and boldest among the next generation.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Aari's Fruit-Tastic Colors

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Aari's Fruit-Tastic Colors

Aari's Fruit-Tastic Colors is an enchanting children's book that takes young readers on a vibrant adventure with Aari, a delightful little girl eager to share her love of fruits. Each page bursts with color as Aari introduces children to a rainbow of fruits: red apples and strawberries for energy and strength, yellow bananas and lemons for vitality and digestion, green apples and grapes for crispiness and heart health, orange oranges and peaches for immune support and vision, and purple grapes, elderberry and plums for heart health and tummy happiness. Blueberries add a touch of blue for brain power, and green apples and grapes bring in a mix of green for an extra dose of vitamins.

Through engaging illustrations and simple, fun facts, children will learn the importance of eating a variety of colorful, organic fruits to stay healthy and strong. Aari's infectious enthusiasm makes the learning process enjoyable, encouraging kids to recognize colors and associate them with different health benefits. The book also features interactive coloring pages, making it an educational and entertaining experience. Perfect for young readers, Aari's Fruit-Tastic Colors is a delightful way to introduce the concept of healthy eating and the wonders of fruits.

Click here to get Aari's Fruit-Tastic Colors

on Amazon / Kindle 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Importance of Starting Christmas Book Promotion Early: A Strategic Guide for Authors


The Importance of Starting Christmas Book Promotion Early: A Strategic Guide for Authors

As the holiday season approaches, many authors may feel the pressure to promote their books to capitalize on the gift-giving frenzy. Christmas presents the perfect opportunity for book lovers and gift buyers to discover new titles, whether they're shopping for friends, family, or themselves. However, like many things in life, timing is everything. Starting your Christmas book promotion early can make all the difference between a successful holiday season and one that misses its mark. Here's why you should begin your festive marketing efforts well in advance:

1. Beat the Holiday Noise

The Christmas season is notoriously busy in the marketing world. Every brand, author, and creator is competing for attention. Starting early gives your book a chance to be seen before the onslaught of holiday advertisements fills everyone's inbox and social feeds. By the time the holiday rush is in full swing, potential buyers may already have your book in mind because you've been quietly (but consistently) promoting it for weeks.

2. Build Momentum with Time

Promoting a book isn't just about slapping a discount on it and sending out a single email. It takes time to build momentum. Early promotions allow you to create a strategy that unfolds over several weeks. You can introduce teasers, sneak peeks, special holiday editions, or bundled offers to keep interest growing. Slow and steady marketing helps your book stay top of mind as Christmas approaches, giving it the best chance to become a sought-after gift.

3. More Time for Book Reviews and Word of Mouth

If you start your Christmas promotions early, you give readers the chance to discover, read, and review your book before the season is in full swing. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations can be your best marketing tools, but they take time to build. Reaching out to book bloggers, influencers, and early readers in October or November ensures that your book will have reviews circulating by the time shoppers start making their lists.

4. Leverage Special Holiday Offers

Holiday marketing often includes special deals like discounts, limited-time offers, or exclusive content. Starting early allows you to plan and spread these promotions out to create sustained interest in your book. Rather than running one last-minute holiday sale, you can entice readers with pre-Christmas offers like Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals, as well as more niche promotions like "12 Days of Christmas" bundles.

5. Create Buzz with Holiday-Themed Content

When you start your promotion early, you have more time to engage readers with holiday-themed content. Whether it's a festive short story based on your book, a holiday reading guide, or a giveaway that ties into the Christmas spirit, early promotions give you time to create content that connects with the season. You can also align your social media campaigns, blogs, and email newsletters with the holiday vibe to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your audience.

6. Take Advantage of Media and Press Opportunities

Journalists and media outlets start looking for holiday-related content and recommendations as early as September and October. If you want your book featured in holiday gift guides, interviews, or podcasts, you need to get your pitches out early. By getting ahead of the game, you increase the chances of your book being highlighted in these valuable spots, reaching readers who may not have discovered it otherwise.

7. Give Yourself Time to Plan and Adjust

Promoting a book during the holidays can be overwhelming, especially if you're juggling other responsibilities like writing your next project. Starting early gives you the time and flexibility to plan your campaigns, test different strategies, and adjust as needed. You won't feel the same pressure to rush through everything, and your promotions will likely be more effective as a result.

8. Extend the Shopping Season

Not everyone waits until Christmas Eve to buy gifts (though some do). Many people start shopping for the holidays as early as October. Early promotion means your book will be visible to these early-bird shoppers, who often appreciate getting their holiday lists checked off in advance. By starting early, you're effectively extending the holiday shopping season for your book and increasing its chances of being purchased.

9. Stay Ahead of Shipping Delays

With the rise of online shopping, shipping delays during the holiday season have become a common problem. Starting your promotion early encourages readers to purchase your book before the shipping window gets tight. This is especially important if you're offering signed copies or special editions that may take longer to fulfill.

10. Less Stress for You

Finally, starting early means less stress for you as an author. By spacing out your promotions and marketing efforts, you can avoid the last-minute scramble that often accompanies holiday sales. You'll have time to refine your messaging, test different ads, and ensure that everything is running smoothly without the pressure of a looming deadline.

Conclusion: Don't Wait, Start Today

The holiday season is a golden opportunity for authors to showcase their books, but only if you're prepared. By starting your Christmas book promotion early, you'll avoid the chaos of the holiday rush, build meaningful engagement with your audience, and give your book the best chance to become a Christmas bestseller. So don’t wait—start planning your promotions today and set yourself up for a successful holiday season!

Don't Delay Click Here To Start

Holiday Book Promotion Now!!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Conquer Emotional Eating: Transform Your Relationship with Food: Effective Solutions for Emotional Eating

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Conquer Emotional Eating:

Transform Your Relationship with Food:

Effective Solutions for Emotional Eating

Conquer Emotional Eating: Transform Your Relationship with Food provides practical, evidence-based strategies to help you overcome emotional eating and develop a healthier relationship with food. This transformative guide delves into the emotional triggers behind overeating, offering seven science-backed coping strategies to manage cravings and stress without guilt. Learn how to distinguish between true hunger and emotional cravings, practice mindfulness, and build body acceptance through practical exercises.

With real-life recovery stories and techniques to build sustainable eating habits, this book focuses on long-term solutions rather than quick fixes or restrictive diets. The companion workbook enhances your journey by offering hands-on tools to apply the lessons to your own life. Whether you’ve struggled for years or are just beginning, this guide provides the support and knowledge to help you create lasting change. Ready to break free from emotional eating?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Nightfall Nightmares: Twelve Mysterious Tales (The Twilight Nightmares Series Book 2)

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Nightfall Nightmares:

Twelve Mysterious Tales

(The Twilight Nightmares Series Book 2)

Are you prepared for a journey into the unknown?

Get ready to experience a world of terror and suspense in Nightfall Nightmares, a collection of twelve spine-tingling tales that will keep you on the edge of your seat, filled with mysteries and horrors. You will feel breathless in this twisted world of monsters and magic. Join our main characters as they embark on dangerous investigations and face supernatural encounters where reality and nightmares collide. As dark secrets lurk in the shadows, prepare for heart-pounding thrills and unexpected twists at every turn.

Will you have the courage to brave the unknown and confront the terrifying creatures that haunt the night?

If you're a fan of thrilling horror stories, you won't want to miss Nightfall Nightmares. And if you loved Stephen King's Twisted Tales of Terror, then Twilight Perils is a must-read for you. Both collections feature gripping tales that will send shivers down your spine.

Don't wait any longer—buy now before the price changes and dive into the darkness of Nightfall Nightmares.

Story Listing

Book Contest

Monday, October 14, 2024

From Solo To Soulmate: A Step-by-Step Guide to Attracting and Keeping the Right Partner

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From Solo To Soulmate:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Attracting and Keeping the Right Partner

From Solo to Soulmate cuts through the noise of modern dating advice to reveal one powerful truth: you’re already enough. Countless dating resources encourage women to mask their true desires and engage in games, while men are pushed to act tough and manipulate. But where does that lead? To shallow connections with insincere people that quickly fade.

This book offers a fresh perspective, showing how embracing your authentic self is the key to finding and keeping genuine, lasting love. In under 100 pages, you'll learn how to break free from the fake rules that have held you back and tap into the natural power you’ve had all along. With clear, powerful insights into the heart and mind, you’ll grasp the opposite gender’s psyche, find answers to long-searched questions and learn how to not be an impediment to your own romantic success. Tailored for both men and women, whether single or married, this concise, step-by-step guide equips you with the essential tools to master the art of attracting and maintaining love in today’s fast-paced technology-driven world.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Blues of Atlantis

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The Blues of Atlantis

For as long as there have been men, there have been myths. And as long as there have been myths, there have been dreamers. Dreamers who wonder what else is out there.

Nerina Winters is no different. She lives a fantasy life as a mermaid, putting on daily shows at the aquarium. Until one day, she finds herself sitting in the doctor’s office. The revelation of what’s ailing her reveals a family secret she isn’t supposed to know about until her thirtieth birthday.

But it’s too late. The secret is out. Now she’s on the run with a husband she no longer trusts, who harbors a secret of his own. Her husband quickly learns that secrets are perilous by nature.

Some swear by them.

Some die from them.

But who will live, and who will die?

And will they live long enough to find out?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Nickolai’s 2nd Grade Adventures

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Nickolai’s 2nd Grade Adventures

Welcome to the wonderful world of second grade! This year is going to be filled with exciting adventures, new friends, and lots of learning. Meet Nickolai, a curious and imaginative 7-year-old who is about to embark on a journey through second grade. Along the way, he’ll face challenges, solve mysteries, and discover the true meaning of friendship.

In this book, you’ll join Nickolai and his friends as they navigate the ups and downs of school life. From the first day jitters to the thrill of a field trip, each chapter is packed with fun and heartwarming moments. Whether it’s creating art projects, performing in a talent show, or forming a detective club, there’s never a dull moment in second grade.

So, grab your backpack and get ready to dive into the adventures of Nickolai and his classmates. Together, we’ll explore the joys of learning, the power of teamwork, and the magic of friendship. Let’s make this school year unforgettable!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Brain Health Protocol: An Alzheimer's Defense

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Brain Health Protocol:

An Alzheimer's Defense

For decades we've considered Alzheimer's a disease of the elderly, one that we may have to deal with later. We are seeing case in people in their 40's and even in the late 20's. With toxic chemicals becoming ever more present in our air and water and the depletion of our soil robbing our food of vital nutrients, it is essential that we take measures early to prevent becoming victims to this debilitating disease.

Brain Health Protocol is a comprehensive guide to learning the many contributing factors and the additions and changes that you can make in your life to avoid and falling prey to the ravages of AD and even if your or family have been diagnosed, give you a fighting chance at saving Brain.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Feedback Blueprint: Unlocking the Power of Constructive Insights

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The Feedback Blueprint:

Unlocking the Power of Constructive Insights

The Feedback Blueprint: Unlocking the Power of Constructive Insights" is the latest release from leadership expert Tenia Davis. In this comprehensive guide, Davis delves into the psychological foundations, diverse forms, and real-world applications of feedback, introducing the concept of constructive insights as a revolutionary approach to fostering continuous improvement and innovation. Drawing from her extensive experience as a Human Resources executive and academic researcher, Davis provides readers with practical tools and strategies to master the art of feedback, driving growth and transformation in both personal and professional realms. This book is poised to become an essential resource for leaders, educators, and anyone seeking to enhance their communication and leadership skills.