Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Book Promotion You Will Love


This is the service we use all the time to share our books, so we wanted to share it with you as well.  Check out all the great features and help this offers you and your book.  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

21st Century Education in America


21st Century Education in America: 

What Should Parents Know? 

This book is written by Sylvia McCrory, and Melissa Wingfield, 2 retired public school teachers. It is written to inform parents about unpublicized workings of the American education system. We discuss corporate greed, and political ambition using the education system to drive sales for testing companies, and technology companies. We explore the dangers to the brain with overuse of technology. Other topics discussed are: stress from testing, pressure to perform, and in-person bullying. This is written in a Christian format with Bible passages. We also have available a Leader's Guide, and Study Guide for parents wanting to do Bible study. We do not tell parents what they should do, we only want to make parents informed, so they are able to make educated decisions for their own children.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Home is Where the Hummingbird Lives


Home Is Where The Hummingbird Lives: 

Surviving Homeownership

One Woman. One Large Bank. One Extraordinary Outcome. 

Home is Where the Hummingbird Lives is the true story of a single mother who found herself unable to pay her mortgage after being struck by someone driving blindly through an intersection. This accident would be a swift blow to Sophia’s business and change the trajectory of her life. On the brink of losing her home, she fought Wells Fargo Bank for over half a decade in an effort to receive the lender support promised after the big bank bailout. What Sophia found through her years as a crusader for the American homeowner was a maze of deceit, lies, and banking transgressions that would only be uncovered by her battle, and subsequent win, against Wells Fargo Bank.

This raw and empowering memoir details her journey as she uncovers the truth about the largest banks in America and shines a light on the many individuals who fed off the systemic looting being carried out by the big banks. There is simply not enough information out there to help the people of this country understand the long ranging devastation caused by the housing crisis—we the people did not just temporarily bail the banks out of the catastrophe of 2008—the taxpayers are now in a constant stasis of being drained by The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. The bailout is ongoing, and the banks are earmarked to receive additional trillions. Few realize how little the big banks were regulated or how easy it would be for them to repeat history. This book offers concrete solutions to help individuals and families cope with economic uncertainty and mortgage misconduct woven together by Sophia’s determination and resilience as she fought to save her home. 

“The author shares her vulnerability as a woman and a mother, in the midst of her drawn-out home loan modification battle with Wells Fargo Bank. By the end of this book, you will be inspired by her story—you might even come to the realization that you also will fight for what is right in the future.” - Dixie Crane 

“Hindsight guides us into the future, so be aware of the lessons learned in Home is Where the Hummingbird Lives. The greatest lessons learned are accomplished through living and the wisdom provided by those who willingly share their past.”
- John (Jack) W. Galardi, Esq.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Speaking Kind Words


Relationships suffer greatly when partners no longer speak kind and loving words to one another. Saying the same words over and over, day in and day out, can become common place and those once powerful words lose some of their potency. In fact, do you remember the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me?” That really isn’t true. Not only can words hurt, but so can the lack of kind and loving words. Rob Alex, share with you a method to bring back and even add new loving words to your relationship. Following the approach presented in Speaking Kind Words will improve and bring a new outlook to your relationship.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Extremus Terra


As the drums of war continue to beat across the magical and barbaric world of Extremus Terra, Lucas Torinac prepares to depart on his Quest, a rite of passage for his people. Not fully grasping the significance of his task, he wanders into a deadly and unforgiving world without direction or aid. Before catastrophe can strike, he meets Ian. Twenty-five years his senior, and an honored and powerful member of their race, Ian patiently begins to provide the guidance that Lucas needs to survive. Under Ian's tutelage, Lucas comes to grips with the world around him, and he begins to realize that the deadliest creatures on Extremus Terra are the humans themselves. It becomes apparent that he must come of age quickly if he is to survive. But as he and Ian struggle just to stay alive, it also becomes clear to them that Lucas' Quest is no ordinary one; he is to unite the human races and bring peace to the world.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Mom, Dad...Can We Talk?


by Dick Edwards

Mom, Dad...Can We Talk? is for the tens of millions of people dealing with concerns for aging parents. It is controversial, sometimes humorous, often poignant, encouraging -- and always helpful. The book is rich with stories of adult children who have been challenged and rewarded in this final stage of the parent-child relationship. It includes tips for initiating caring conversations like: "Mom, we're worried about you living alone." “Sis, I need your help with all this.” And, “Dad has a lady friend!” There are also helpful hints on how to understand and manage the realities of dementia, drinking, depression, and driving. In this newly revised edition, Guest Contributors address new topics like: helping grandchildren understand their aging grandparent; helping families with aging parents who have a special needs adult child; and, adapting to the complications imposed by the sudden intrusion of a reality like a pandemic. Also included is a new discussion guide as a bonus! Mom, Dad…Can We Talk? is the how-to book you need to help successfully manage these challenging times in family life.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Confessions and Musings of a Financial Planner


Confessions and Musings of a Financial Planner: How the Layman Gets Laid

On Monday, October 19, 1987 the United States stock market experienced it’s largest one-day percentage drop ever. In the period leading up to the crash the author had been managing millions of dollars for his clients, all of which was invested in the stock market. On the Tuesday before the crash he made a difficult and agonizing decision to transfer all his clients’ stock market holdings to cash. That decision turned out to be quite fateful and was in part responsible for the Heier Group catapulting from a small local organization to one of national presence. In light of his ever expanding clientele, the ensuing years gave Bob Heier more than ample opportunity to seize the very best opportunities available to his clients as well as to examine every dark corner of personal finance and to confront the very worst of the scams, pitfalls and problems his clients faced.

Confessions of a Financial Planner may be said to be a compendium of those pitfalls; the book is a series of revelations and warnings to today’s consumers as they try to work safely and intelligently to build a financial future for themselves. In light of the growing array of lightening changes and gimmicks now confronting the public daily, Confessions should be viewed as an especially apt and indispensable tool and resource for anyone seeking to avoid the all too common financial disasters as they construct a sensible approach to the growth of their financial security.

Author: Robert Heier. Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. Author Bio: Robert began his career as a civil appellate litigator for the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. where he also entered private practice. Disturbed by the constant acrimony in litigation he switched careers to financial planning and headed the Heier Group which had a national clientele. During that time he was also a syndicated columnist writing locally on personal finance; he then became syndicated nationally, appearing in some 100 papers across the country. He, his beautiful wife Christine and their adorable feline lunatics are currently retired in southwest Florida where he is free to pursue his first love, photography. He also continues to play softball avidly and each Tuesday and Thursday can be found giving lessons on how to hit groundballs to shortstop and how to regularly hit into double plays. For some inexplicable reason the classes are not well attended.

Click here to a copy of this book on Amazon / Kindle

Saturday, March 20, 2021

21 Expressions of Love


21 Expressions of Love

The daily battle of Mind & Soul over Body. These three significant elements which fuels and sustains the existence and wellbeing of mankind are the reasons for today’s occurrence. As these three fundamentals battles through every breathe and depth of life, it is just right to acknowledge the roles each plays in our lives for the betterment of all other unmentioned elements within, both seen and unseen. This poem is written in deep thoughts of everyday life struggles, battles, trials and tribulations we encounter both physical and in the realm of the spirit. When all is said and done, Love keeps humanity strong and united. This is the greatest of all. Happy reading.

Recognition Overdue


Women Are Shaping The World

Women contribution to Science, Technology, Politics, and Humanity - Women Liberation Movements improving Women Rights

Maybe a stunning statement to claim that without women, we’ll be back to the Stone Age. But that’s exactly what “State of Denial” Does to us. Frankly speaking, the easiest way to deny a Concrete Fact is simply to say “That’s Stupid, non-sense, rubbish,…etc”. The hardest way to face a Concrete Fact is to say “How? Explain!, I Need to Know More!, I’m Interested (not interesting),…etc”.

Let’s see!!!

They Claim: Men Are Born to be LEADERS!
Really? Who raise Men to become Leaders? Other Men? Give me a break.

They Claim: Men work so hard to preserve humanity!
Really? Who have been killing each other/Humanity in the so called WARS? Women? Are you from Planet Mars?

They Claim: Men are Smarter!
Really? Who are packed on top of each other in Jails like Sardines? Women Again? Which Galaxy you say you’re from?

They Claim: OK, but we MEN Run the World!
You still don’ know the difference between RUN and RUIN? MEN RUINED THE WORLD over and over again. And each time Women healed the wounds over and over again.

They Claim: If so, can they live without us?
Did you have to ask? ..Moron.. Wish you never did.

Throughout Mankind History, women have been asking for their rights. And men think they are asking for too much. Imagine if women lost hope and started thinking of Revenge? How long can men last? Even worse. Will women ever re-accept men? Based on Men previous history with women’s rights, men should be grateful if they were ever re-accepted.

History has taught us that women have a great level of patience.

This book may not change today’s Ugly Facts, but it will show a very small portion of Females’ Great Contributions to Humanity. Hoping that someday, somewhere, somehow, Females are rewarded and respected for their great contributions to Humanity.

The surprise of this book is kept at this unique Section:
“The Greatest One Single Female of All Times”

Thursday, March 18, 2021

A High Price for Justice


Kidnapped by a hate group one man exposes corruption and evil in a town that had grown accustomed to ignoring the skeletons in its closet. That is until Andre Jackson decided to dig up all those bones and force the town to finally confront the evil, that had become its way of life, for far too long..

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Index Funds


Index Funds: A Simple and Concise Introduction for Beginners to Grow Wealth

This book aims to equip beginning investors with introductory knowledge to begin investing in index funds in a simple and concise manner. After reading this book, you should be able to understand the terms and charts available when looking at an index fund on a company’s website. This information is targeted at new and beginning investors, so more experienced investors may find this information oversimplified and unuseful. Additionally, this is not meant to be exhaustive or too in-depth but to provide new investors with introductory knowledge. Investing is important because it provides individuals with methods to grow their wealth. The concept of your money working to earn you more money. Index funds have been championed by popular and famous investors, such as Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and John C. Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group. Index fund recognition stems from their ease and accessibility to beginning investors through their lower cost to buy, maintain, & pay taxes on, their overall stability through diversification, and minor financial understanding by investors. This book does not pad for content and includes only the most necessary information.

Monday, March 15, 2021

A Summit Without Mercy


A Summit without Mercy

(Indian Agent Bose Series Book 1)

Somewhere in the Himalayas, a Buddhist guru and a rogue spy devise a nefarious plan to instigate a nuclear war between two nuclear neighbors - India and China. 

An Indian agent is missing. The Indian Intelligence Bureau tasks their best agent, Keshav Bose, with locating him. As he follows the clues, he uncovers a far more devious plot is underway.

With French spy Camilla Faidu by his side, Bose has to handle hired assassins, a Turkish mercenary, and a sect of brainwashed beauties to prevent nuclear war. What they uncover leads them to the dashing, young Chinese ex-pat and his palatial retreat, but thwarting disaster comes at a heavy price and makes them targets.

Their only option is to infiltrate the compound, disrupt the plan, and hope they make it out alive.

Find out what happens in this adrenaline-rushing international espionage thriller! GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Tips to Manage Stress


Tips to Manage Stress: 

Finding Peace in a Time of Anxiety and Panic 

A Beginner's Guide to Cope and Manage Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic 

  • Are suffering from stress and want to get rid of it?

  • Are you feeling stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during the COVID-19 pandemic?

If so, then keep reading!

The ability to cope with stress is essential for personal and professional success. With all going on in the world, your ability to cope with stress is vital to your survival during COVID-19. Living a healthy life is more important than ever. Many professionals have become unbalanced due to the numerous pressures that have come with this unforeseen pandemic. To help you regain your balance, you will explore recommended techniques you can use to manage your stress during this time of COVID-19.

Each chapter teaches you something about stress, an exercise to decrease or eliminate stress, and a journal entry to help you understand your stress and how to apply the lesson to your life.

Your mental and physical health is influenced by the tension you feel in your thoughts and emotions. Stress may cause heart attacks, strokes, tumors, ulcers, sleep disorders, and feelings of hopelessness and depression. 

COVID-19 has brought many unexpected issues with it which has knocked the balance out of the life of many professionals. The unbalance is causing professionals to be stressed out.

Here's what makes this book special:

  • Introduction to Stress Management

  • How to recognize stress and anxiety, its symptoms and ways to stop its negative effects

  • Effects of The Pandemic on People

  • How to Handle Difficult and Stressful Situations

  • Tips to Overcoming Stress and Anxiety Caused by Covid-19

  • Much, much more!

This self-help book helps you to get yourself relieved from stress easily so you can find the way to healthy and happy life throughout. 


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Revealing All The Secrets


Revealing All The Secrets by Three Rats

Achieving Math Excellence through Motivation, Memory Enhancement and Mastery.

By Raymond James Kesavan Yoo Weng

This is an exciting book for all those who want to know more about achieving excellence in Mathematics.

Students of all grades are the main beneficiaries of this book. It will also benefit parents, educators and tutors who want to help their children achieve success in education, especially in mathematics.

It will provide the answers to those who wonder why Singapore students always emerge top in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) done every two years.

Among the many interesting revelations, the book features Singapore Mathematics, Vedic Mathematics and the Chinese Remainder Theorem. 

There is something special about this book. Within the book, there is another book for Primary school children to read. It is encapsulated in Chapter 20. It is about an adventure in Thailand and was written to help raise funds for students in need of financial assistance. It is contributed by Sarah Jane Kesavan, the granddaughter of Raymond. Coincidentally both grandpa and granddaughter were born in the year of the rat.

There are many secret revelations that Secondary school students can benefit from.  There are many instant and quick-fire formulas to help students solve problems expeditiously.  There is an instant formula for solving number patterns in quadratic sequence. 

There is also a new method, developed during the Covid-19 lockdown,  to help recall the many digits of π.   It is called the Julie Pattern Generation Method.

There are many pieces of advice and anecdotes to help motivate students and help develop their memory power and mastery of mathematics.

Another exciting feature is the intertwining of music and songs with mathematics throughout the book.

The year of the rat saw the arrival of COVID-19, but it gave rise to this book. It is our fervent hope that this book will brighten the days ahead, so that everyone can look forward to a better future.

Beyond the Boardroom


Beyond the Boardroom: 

Examining the concepts of an effective leader in a culturally conscious community-based organization

Cities across the country rely on nonprofit organizations to provide quality services and effective campaigns that will benefit individuals, families, and communities. Reliable men and women are placed in leadership roles within these organizations, but are they prepared to lead? 

Dr. Troy Washington worked with and studied the leadership of Peacemaker Social Services under Gary Bellamy II, which provided him with insight into this unique line of work. With this in mind, Dr. Washington wrote Beyond the Boardroom: Examining the Concepts of an Effective Leader in a Culturally Conscious, Community-based Nonprofit Organization as a guide for anyone seeking leadership advice related to nonprofit organizations. 

From directors to team members, everyone makes up an important part of the overall organization. While there may not be a single definition of a leader, there are qualities that stand out among those with true leadership skills. Dr. Washington’s hope is that by inspiring leaders, they will use their roles to change the lives of those around them, for the better.

Author: Troy Washington. Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. Author Bio: Dr. Washington is a professor with the Helen Bader Institute at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He is also an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Public Administration. Dr. Washington received his PhD in Urban Studies with an emphasis in nonprofit leadership from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. His research focuses on community engagement, community organizing, empowerment, and systemic change. He studies organizational processes that have the ability to improve the conditions of vulnerable communities and groups. Much of his work takes place alongside community-based nonprofit organizations, youth organizing efforts, and community-driven health promotion initiatives. An overarching goal of Dr. Washington s is to identify the mechanisms at multiple levels of analysis that account for links between engagement in empowerment processes and well-being. Dr. Washington s background is primarily in nonprofit leadership and community activism, but he also applies concepts from multiple social science disciplines and uses multiple methods to understand and inform community-driven efforts as a way to improve conditions of inequity. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Washington worked as an associate director for Peacemaker Charitable Services, a nonprofit organization centrally located in Milwaukee, WI. There he provided organizational planning, implemented policies, and supported services for vulnerable families. Dr. Washington also worked on political campaigns and with Milwaukee Public Schools to build equity in youth driven initiatives. Dr. Washington teaches undergraduate courses and graduate courses on organizational theory, public and nonprofit leadership, and public policy. Dr. Washington is extremely active in the community and readily consults community-based organizations.

Click here to get Beyond the Boardroom 

on Amazon / Kindle