Monday, August 20, 2018

What Crisis Will Be Tomorrow?

I congratulate everyone who has effectively decided to support this my campaign. What's more, if you have not decided on this yet, but instead you are interested in, please do not doubt. You have a one of a kind opportunity to be among the first to receive this truly revolutionary book. 
Try not to fear exhausting content and abstruse economic terms. This book is another! It will be written in a basic and understandable language. This book is for everyone! After all, it answers the questions that everybody asks. Furthermore, these answers depend on your well-being in the future. Rest assured, it will be fun, I'll deal with it!

What is this book?
My goal is a book which explains briefly by the grass-roots language the gist of economic phenomena that always helped you get rid of earned money by the sweat of your brow. The vast and terrible economic crisis! Crisis, depression, recession... It has many names. You were vulnerable and defenseless before them. But now, here is a chance of a lifetime; here is the opportunity to learn something that has always been hidden reliably from common people behind vague terms of economic science.
People who are far from the economy often don’t understand the necessary things. It's something hidden in the bowels of Wall Street, for them, behind the thick steel walls of bank vaults. Or, a set of meaningless figures of stock quotes.
Well, let's try to open the veil of secrecy.
People often hold the opinion: "Let experts and governments think for us. We pay them for this." But, we seem to forget that even governments and all kinds of institutions are not abstract categories from another dimension. Besides, they are not all-powerful gods; they are human who breathes the same air we breathe and think just as we do. 
The primary issue in the overgrowth of the crisis to the Big Bada Boom is that it obliterates the economic and political mechanisms that are intended to eliminate it. It will happen once more. But, everyone can help themselves. How to do it? Most importantly, be among the very first to read this book. 
Protecting your savings and lifestyle is opening the door to a new world for yourself. The key to that door is this book! Why not get it now and say thanks to me later?

Why is this important for you?
This applies to absolutely everyone. The consequence of the economic crisis is a reduction in production, massive bankruptcy and unemployment, a decline in the standard of living of the people. The economic crisis is a phenomenon of our time. Still fresh memories of the recent World Financial Crisis 2008-2015 named "The Great Recession". Most of all, the middle class suffered from this crisis, while before the crisis its share in the total amount of world wealth remained stable for a long time. At the same time, the share of 1% of the richest people in the world volume of wealth exceeded 50% and continued to increase. Unprecedented growth in unemployment led to the achievement of its record in the history of labor market surveillance. In 2009, 199 million people were officially considered unemployed. Five years after the beginning of the Great Recession, according to the report "The Precarious State of Family Finances" of The Pew Charitable Trusts, about 70% of American families were in a "tense financial situation" regarding income, expenditure or general welfare. Before the industrial revolution of the late 18th century, there were no regularly recurring booms and depressions. These cycles occur around the same time as the modern industry. 
The economy is such a complex system, to the point that it's hard to depict it pretty much correctly, or it's relatively incomprehensible. Apparently, the economy isn't pseudoscience, such as alchemy; however, the prominent economic minds of the past often predicted wrong. Grey men consistently draw complex models, and each year they receive the Nobel Prize for different nonsense, but they cannot foresee when there will be another crisis and how deep asshole it will lead. Although everyone knows that it will. It will be exactly, do not doubt! The question is only what will occur before, a local crisis or "Great and Terrible"?
I will answer some questions that worry many people:
What are the causes of the crises?
What happens to the economy now?
When will the next crisis happen?
Why does the middle class disappear?
Why do the rich get richer in a crisis?
How will this affect each of us?
Who is guilty?
Who is responsible for this?
And the most important: How not to become a victim of the crisis?
And one more thing ... Having supported this my campaign, you can save on taxes (such as VAT in the EU or sales tax in the US).
Who am I?
First of all, I am a man. And I am also disturbed by ordinary human problems. But, I have degrees in economics, political science and social philosophy. Cool, isn’t it? But, this did not deprive me of a sense of humor. Therefore, this book will contain sarcasm, irony, etc. Although this does not reduce its value. I'm just trying to communicate with people in a common language. In addition to theoretical knowledge, I have an excellent anti-crisis practice. And what is especially important, this practice is related to the crisis management of relatively small companies. This is something that is important for people, but not for government institutions. Also, merits mention that I come from a country that has been in a condition of permanent crisis (economic and political) for almost three decennaries. And this, on its own, is a unique life experience.
What cannot you find in this book?
I will not disclose the secrets of quick and easy enrichment. I do not know them, and no rich man knows them either. Those who promote this, just scammers. I also will not disclose the secrets of absolute happiness. Happiness is a subjective category, and high-risk investments are not my strong suit. If you want to beat the casino - buy a casino! I give only an essential tool - knowledge that will help you avoid unnecessary risks!
I set a goal based on the quantity of the first print edition of 1000 copies. But, the book will be published in any case. You have now a unique chance to become one of these lucky ones. You can get this author's version of this book without editorial changes and censorship. Only the truth, only hardcore!
And, if you are not tired of reading it yet, I want to thank you for the time and money spent. And if you cannot support my campaign with money, but consider my work necessary, you can support the campaign by telling about it to your friends. Please help spread this information.

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