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Have you been trying hard to lead a happy and positive life but can’t seem to make it happen?
Are you looking for advice that will touch the core of your existence and shed light on the root causes of your problems, offering you practical solutions to help you live a better and happier life?
If you are, then read on...
The hardships and chaos we wake up to each day may seem like a part of us, but there is a better way. Through understanding what makes us tick, how we think about ourselves, and what truly makes us happy, we can walk a new path of acceptance, passion and positive thinking that will transform our lives
The fact that you are reading this, shows you are tired of waking up every day feeling directionless and unhappy. You are looking for answers to the deepest questions, such as…
Why do I need a change and how do I benefit from accepting change?
Does my mind have anything to do with all the negative energy in my life?
How do I manifest happiness and fulfillment when I am living in such a seemingly negative world?
What is the law of attraction, and can it help in my situation?
How will adopting a life of positivity help me?
If these are important questions for you, then you are in luck! This detailed, accessible guide answers all your questions in a straightforward, no-nonsense way that will help you live the best life possible.
With the knowledge contained within the pages of this book, you will develop a deep understanding of the of power positivity and practical ways in which you can integrate positivity into every facet of your life!
If you are ready to embark on this transformative journey, then …
Longing for the Snow, a therapeutic journey on the East Coast is a collection of 30 poems, celebrating the fall season on America's East Coast while at the same time some of the poems deal with Meniere's disease the author is suffering from.
These nostalgic poems about the changing seasons, set in and around the iconic Brown University, paint a charming picture of a scholar's daily life. Whether you want to get lost in densely packed images of the campus, or to reminisce about a love for winter, you're bound to find something worth your while. The gentle touch of one man's attachments, regrets, and love of learning permeates these pages. This collection will appeal both to Ivy League graduates and to those who have only ever wondered at what life might be like beyond those great iron gates.
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